Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Extra Strength Alpha Beta Face Peel

Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Peels

Ok, so it’s been a little too long since I’ve taken the time to do some beauty product reviews.  (I’m not really sure why it’s taken me so long either because I certainly haven’t stopped using beauty products….at all!)  Regardless, here comes one and hopefully more to follow in the near future.

I have always wanted to have a chemical peel done but can never actually bring myself to have one done because I don’t want to deal with the downtime of having a red, flaky, peeling face for a couple of days afterwards and the thought of them kind of freaks me out…just a little.  My skin can be very temperamental…I have periods where it’s great and periods where it’s anything but great.  I also tend to have acne spots that last long after the pimple is gone (I guess it’s an annoying and pesky way of reminding me of what used to be there.)  So, when I stumbled upon these little facial wipes I was definitely tempted to try them being that they aren’t as invasive as an actual chemical peel and have no downtime.

These wipes are available in two different strengths, regular and extra strength.  I dove right into the extra strength wipes and didn’t even try the regular strength ones because I was dead-set on getting results and thought that the extra strength ones stood a better chance at giving me my desired results.  If you have sensitive skin, I would highly suggest starting out with the regular strength wipes first.

Another great thing about these wipes is that they are available in different quantities which is great for someone who is just looking to try them out.  These treatment wipes are available in the following quantities: 5, 30 or 60.  Packs of 5 retail for $15.00, packs of 30 retail for $82.00 and packs of 60 retail for $145.00.  (For my first time using them, I obviously went for the 5 pack.) They also have them available in a package deal called the “14 Day Challenge with Ferulic Acid + Retinol Brightening Solution” which retails for $45.00. (This is also a great deal, which I’ve also purchased….more than once.)

We’ll start with the 5 pack, which is what I tried first.  Each treatment consists of two conjoined pouches which each contain a wipe (so two wipes per treatment).  Wipe 1 is to be used first (but I’m sure that is obvious to everyone) on a clean face.  You simply rub your skin in circular motions until the wipe is no longer moist.  Then you wait two minutes before using wipe 2.  After the two minutes are up, use wipe 2 the same way that you used wipe 1.   That’s it.  It’s quick and easy but I will say that I did (and still do) notice a burning sensation when using wipe 1 so be aware of that and don’t be surprised if you notice it too.

I noticed a subtle glow to my skin immediately after using these but really noticed it after using them for a couple of days consecutively.  I noticed an even better glow after trying the 14 day challenge treatment with the brightening solution.  The 14 day challenge works the exact same way as the 5 pack of pads does except there are enough treatment packs for 14 days and there is the brightening serum.  The brightening serum is applied after you use both wipes and I think that this serum is really beneficial and just gives your skin that much more of a healthy glow.

I will say though that I would not do this treatment after doing a face mask of any kind prior (speaking from experience.)  It could have been something in the face mask I did prior to using this treatment or my face could have just been feeling sensitive but it was not a pleasant experience!  The burning sensation was a lot worse than ever before and my face was left looking patchy and red….so don’t follow in my footsteps there!

Overall, I like this product and like the results.  My skin always looks like it has a nice natural glow after doing these treatments and it also helps reduce my acne spots in a significant way.  (I notice the most dramatic results and lighter/faded acne spots after using these for multiple consecutive days.)

What I like:

  • Gives skin a natural glow
  • Reduces and fades acne spots
  • Evens out skin tone
  • Noticeable results….quickly

What I don’t like:

  • Burning sensation
  • Results seem to fade if this isn’t used on a regular basis